Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Bath Time Can Be Fun Coming Soon!

My next rhyming picture book for kids, "Bath Time Can Be Fun," is almost ready for publication and should be available on amazon in a few days.  The book is about how kids who don't like taking a bath can find bath time fun if they use their imaginations while in the bath.  Here's one of the illustrations:

My latest #1 Best Seller ranked children's book, More Things You Might See, continues to sell copies on amazon and is still, as of this writing, the #1 "Hot New Release" in its children's book category!  If you haven't obtained your copy yet, it's available for only $2.99 U.S.

If you already have a copy, you can Write a Customer Review on Amazon and maybe include your child's first name in the review so that he or she will be able to see their name in print.  How fun!

I'll also mention your child's first name in this blog, which has now been visited over a thousand times by visitors from across the U.S., Europe and Asia even though we just started the blog a few weeks ago.

Thanks for stopping by.  It was good to see you.  See you next time!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

More Things You Might See #1 Hot New Release on Amazon

My latest #1 Best Seller-Ranked Kindle book, More Things You Might See, just became the #1 Hot New Release in its Children's Book category on amazon!  I'd like to thank the Academy...

In case you're wondering what rhyme is paired with yesterday's illustration from the book, which was "a boy making a silly face," it's "some flowers in a vase."  Here's the illustration:

Friday, February 22, 2013

Shout Out to Two Wonderful Readers!

My sincere thanks to Pacara Rahming and Pamela Ball for posting five-star customer reviews on amazon for my most recent #1 Best Seller ranked children's book, More Things You Might See.  I'm delighted that you and your children had fun with the book.  Writing is a solitary and sometimes lonely business; it's a genuine thrill to get feedback from readers like you.  Makes the whole process worth the effort.

If you still haven't gotten your copy of More Things You Might See, here's one of the illustrations, called, "A Boy Making a Silly Face:"

As you can see, it's a book that doesn't take itself too seriously.

Thanks for stopping by.  See you soon!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Hodge-Podge of Items

Where to begin?  The special promotion for More Things You Might See has passed and I'm excited about the results.  The book reached #1 Best Seller Ranking in both of its categories and we sold thousands of copies!

A heartfelt thanks to CRP, hilli and their daughters for the five-star customer reviews they posted on amazon for the book.  I'm happy that you all enjoyed the book so much and the reviews mean more to me than you know.

Did you guess the answer to the riddle I gave you the other day?  You'll remember that I showed you a drawing called "a ladybug on your nose" and asked you to guess what part of your body rhymes with nose?  If you guessed "toes" you are right and should be proud of yourself!  The rhyme from the book is, "A feather on your toes or a ladybug on your nose."  Here's "A feather on your toes:"

Thanks for stopping by!  See you soon!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

More Things You Might See #1 Best Seller on Amazon!

My new book, More Things You Might See, just reached #1 in its children's book category on amazon.  It should still be FREE through Wednesday of this week, so if you haven't gotten your free copy yet, feel free to Get Your Free Copy Now.

If you've already read this #1 Best Seller Ranked children's book, feel free to Write a Customer Review on Amazon.  It's free, easy and fun to do!

If you haven't obtained your free copy yet, here's one of the illustrations; and a riddle:

Here's the riddle:  This illustration is called "a ladybug on your nose."  The rhyming illustration that is paired with this drawing concerns seeing a feather on another part of your body that rhymes with nose. Can you guess what part of your body rhymes with nose?

I'll give you the answer and show you the drawing in a few days.  Good luck guessing!

Friday, February 15, 2013

More Things You Might See Now Available Through Amazon

More Things You Might See: A Rhyming Picture Book for Kids Learning to Read is now available through amazon.com.  Here's the cover:

As with the original #1 Best Seller, Things You Might See, this book pairs often humorous drawings with funny rhymes and encourages children to guess the rhyme as they see the rhyming word.

Feel free to Click Here if you want to learn more.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

More Things You Might See Coming Soon!

Well, I've sent my manuscript for More Things You Might See: A Rhyming Picture Book for Kids Learning to Read to Amazon and it should be available there tomorrow.  This a follow-up to my #1 Best Selling children's book, Things You Might See.  Click the link to my Amazon Author's page below my bio on this page to check it out if you're interested.

In the back of More Things You Might See, I mentioned that I will soon publish another children's picture book called Bath Time Can Be Fun! and included the cover of that book as well.  Here it is:

Bath Time Can Be Fun! should be available in early March.

Thanks for stopping by.  See you soon!