Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Thank You to Michael M. and A New Book for Grown-Ups!

A heartfelt and sincere THANK YOU to Michael M. who recently gave my most recent children's book, Anna and the Storm, an excellent five-star review!  Michael said that it's a terrific children's book, that it's very well written and it's a great book for children of all ages, especially up to age 12.  Thank you for your outstanding review, Michael!  I'm delighted that you enjoyed the book and your review means more to me than you know!

In other news, I've just published a book for grown-ups called The Sparrow's Dream.  It's a book of photographs with short poems called haiku.  If you're a young person who hasn't heard of haiku before, you might want to ask your parents to help you learn about them.  They're a lot of fun to write and it's also fun to read ones other people have written!  If you want to learn all about haiku and how you can write your own, you can ask you parents to CLICK HERE and help you out!  If you do, I'll bet you'll have a lot of fun!

As I said in my last post here, I've been working very hard on my grown-up book lately and that's why I haven't been writing much here lately.  Now that my grown-up book is done, though, I'll be writing more books for kids and talking about them here.

Until then, here's what the cover of my new book for grown-ups looks like:

Thanks for stopping by everyone!  See you next time!