Saturday, June 7, 2014

Thank You to Bill Bourcier and "Anna and the Storm" free now through Wednesday!

My heartfelt Thank You to Bill Bourcier for his excellent five-star review of my children's book, Anna and the Storm.  Bill said that it's a, "charming and insightful story" and a "very nicely written and upbeat story about prejudice and unwillingness to be open minded."  He added that it's a good book to be read out loud.  Thank you for your outstanding review, Bill; it means more to me than you know.  Anna is a #1 Bestseller, both domestically and internationally, and amazon is offering Anna and the Storm for FREE now through Wednesday.

It's the story of a musically-talented girl named Anna who writes a piece of music on a rock.  When the music is later found, the townspeople conclude that it came about through divine intervention.  When a storm washes the music away from the face of the rock, everyone concludes that it was taken away from them because of someone's wrongdoing and blame a dark stranger who came to town an hour before the storm.  The townspeople want to punish the stranger for causing the storm to take away their song.  Anna must find a way to convince everyone that it was she who wrote the music and it would be wrong to punish the innocent stranger.

Here's the cover of the book:

Thanks for stopping by everyone!  See you next time!