Wednesday, July 31, 2013

"Count to Ten With Your New Friends" Now Available on Amazon!

My new children's book, Count to Ten With Your New Friends, is now available on amazon for only $2.99 U.S.  It's a rhyming picture book that uses colorful drawings, fantastic creatures and fun rhymes to introduce children to the numbers one through ten and challenges them to count the numbers out as they learn each new number.

Also, I posted a riddle from my upcoming book, the third in my "Things You Might See" series, a few days ago and promised that I would give you the answer here on my blog.  You might remember that the riddle began with a drawing called, "A witch with a wart on her nose," and that the drawing that completed the rhyme was, "or a goblin with a                      on his toes."  If you guessed 'snake,' you were right.  Here's the drawing:

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Can't See 'Em Museum, The Video!

Well, I've posted a video of a dramatic reading of my children's picture book, The Can't See 'Em Museum, to YouTube.

Also publishing a new book the middle of next week, so be sure to check in for more details in a few days.

Thanks for stopping by!  See you next time!

Friday, July 5, 2013

An Unfortunate Fib, A Riddle with Illustration & The Gift of Music

Okay, I know I promised to release the third installment in the Things You Might See books a few days ago and haven't yet done so.  I really believed that I was going to release the book then, but changed my mind when I started working on a video of one of my other books.  The video will be free on YouTube once I finish it and I want to add a link to the free video in my upcoming book before I publish it.

I'm sorry I told you something in my most recent blog posting that ended up being untrue.  To help make up for it, here's an illustration from the new book and a riddle.  The illustration is called, A Witch with a Wart on Her Nose:

Here's the riddle: the illustration that completes this rhyme is called, Or a Goblin with a _______ on His Toes.  Can you guess what the goblin has on his toes?  I'll give you the answer and show you the illustration here on my blog in a few days.  Good luck guessing!

Also, the video I'm working on includes a short snippet of my performance of a piece of piano music from Robert Schumann's Scenes of Childhood.  If you care to hear the whole 2-minute piece, just click  the PLAY button below:

If you like this piece enough that you want to add it to your MP3 player, just click on the DOWNLOAD button on the far right and the music is yours for free!  You won't be "stealing" the music because it's my performance.  Feel free to download it and share it with your friends if you want to.

Thanks for stopping by everyone!  See you next time!