Monday, January 28, 2013

Did You Get the Answer to Last Week's Puzzler?

Where to begin?

After Oscar Otter finished his morning walk today he came back to our shell and announced that he might have seen a mermaid in the surf a few feet from our beach.  Penelope Porcupine said, "There are no such things as mermaids!"

"There are so!" Oscar replied.

"How do you know?" Penelope challenged.


As they seemed to have reached an en passe, they asked me to settle the matter for them.  Not wanting to take sides, I said, "The truth is, I don't know.  But I like the idea of mermaids and would welcome the news that they exist."

"That proves it," Oscar said.  "I'm right!"  They've been arguing about it ever since.

Oh!  I just remembered that I asked you last week if you knew what word rhymed with 'bones'.  Remember?  The hint I gave you was that the word might have something to do with the kinds of chairs that Queens and Kings sit on.  If you guessed the word 'thrones,' you were right and should be proud of yourself!

Here is the the drawing that goes with last week's drawing entitled 'a dinosaur made out of bones' from my upcoming book, More Things You Might See: A Rhyming Picture Book for Kids Learning to Read.

This one is called, 'A Queen and King on their thrones.'  I hope you like it: