Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Another Free Promotion from Amazon!

Amazon will be offering my first #1 Best Seller, Things You Might See: A Rhyming Picture Book for Kids Learning to Read, for FREE starting this Saturday, March 23rd.  It's an interactive book that challenges children to guess the last word in a rhyme.  Kids who read the book encounter some visual learning as their parents point out the rhyming word, which appears in large solid caps beneath the drawings.

Here's one of the illustrations from the book:

Here's a riddle for you:

The picture above is paired with another picture, which is called "A ________ that's very smelly."  Can you guess what the missing word is?  It's something that's very smelly.  I'll give you the answer in a few days, so keep in touch!

Bedtime Can Be Fun! continues to sell well in the kindle store; still the #1 Best Seller in its children's book category as of a few minutes ago.  It should still be FREE through tomorrow, so help yourself to your free copy if you'd like one!

A very special THANK YOU to fairres49er for his excellent four-star review of  Bedtime Can Be Fun! on amazon.  Fairres49er said that his grandkids' parents found the book fun and helpful at bedtime.  I'm happy that the book helped and truly grateful for the great review.  Thank you again, fairres49er!  The review means a lot to me.

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time.