Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thanks To My Wonderful Readers!

Well, amazon's special promotion for Bedtime Can Be Fun! ended overnight and it was a smashing success!  The book was my second biggest seller and we sold thousands of copies!  Thanks to everyone who bought one!

A very special THANK YOU to Nancy for her five-star customer review.  Nancy said that her 3 year old granddaughter loved the story and that she likes to read to her granddaughter when they're traveling.  I think that's an excellent time to read to young children.  Helps pass the time while making traveling fun.  Thanks again, Nancy, for your kind words!

A very special THANK YOU to Debra Echoff for her five-star review as well!  Debra said that she thought the book was cute and she can't wait to read it to her grandkids.  Thank you, Debra.  I hope your grandkids enjoy the book as much as you did!

A very special THANK YOU to KinKem for writing a really nice four-star review.  KinKem said that the book was a nice read for kids who enjoy reading with a smile before bedtime.  As an author, I can't tell you how satisfying it is to know that I've helped, at least in some small way, to brighten a child's day and helped strengthened the bond between parents and children.  Thanks, KinKem, you made my day!

Thanks, too, to Nonya and Crystal.  I'm delighted that you both chose to add my book to your libraries. For an author, there is no greater honor.  Thank you!

Now, you may remember that a couple of days ago I showed you an illustration from my first #1 Best Seller, Things You Might See, which amazon is offering for FREE starting this Saturday.
That picture was called, "A button on your belly."  I also gave you a riddle, which was that the picture paired with "A button on your belly" was called, "A _____ that's very smelly" and asked you to guess what word filled in the blank.

If you guessed "skunk," you were correct and should be proud of yourself for guessing the right answer!

Here's the drawing:

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time!