Friday, April 19, 2013

Another Outstanding Reader!

A heartfelt THANK YOU to Ania for her excellent five-star review of Bedtime Can Be Fun!  Ania said she really loves the book and her children ask her to read it to them almost every night.  She said she likes that the book requires children to use their imaginations and soothes them before they go to bed.  Ania recommends the book to any parents with active children who'd rather stay up at bedtime.

Thank you, Ania.  I can't tell you how much it pleases me to know that you and your children enjoy Bedtime Can Be Fun almost every night and your outstanding review means a lot to me!

In other news, I'm outlining a new book that will help children learn their numbers.  I haven't drawn any of the illustrations yet, so I can't show you any pictures.  I promise I will when the time comes.

Here's a riddle for you; the new book will be a companion to my recently-published book, The Seriously Silly ABC Book.  Can you guess what the title of my new numbers book might be?

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  And thanks again to Ania and her amazing children.

See you next time!