Monday, September 30, 2013

Upcoming Halloween Book and Thank You to Penmouse!

My sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU to Penmouse, who gave my most recent #1 Bestselling book, Things You Might See #3, an excellent five-star review on amazon!  Penmouse highly recommends the book and found it to be a little bit silly and a whole lot of fun to read!  Penmouse also found the drawings to be fun and the rhymes to be written in such a way that children are able to guess the rhymes when they see the drawings.  Thank you again, Penmouse.  I'm ecstatic that you enjoyed the book and your review means the world to me!

As I write this, October is just hours away, which reminds me that I have a new Halloween book coming out in a couple of weeks.  While all of my books so far have been rhyming picture books, the new one is a storybook with just a few pictures.  Here's one of the drawings:

This is Autumn and her best friend, James, dressed in their Halloween costumes.  Can you guess what they're dressed as?  I'll give you the answer here on my blog in a few days.

Thanks again for your review, Penmouse!  I can't tell you how pleased I am that you took the time to tell the world how much you enjoyed the book!

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time!

Friday, September 27, 2013

"Things 3" #1 Bestseller in US, EU and Japan! Thank you to Wezen Chong!

My warm heartfelt THANK YOU to Wezen Chong for your excellent five-star review of Things You Might See #3.  Wezen's three year old son also gave the  book five stars and was so happy when he guessed the rhymes correctly.  Wezen likes how the last words in each rhyme are bigger and feels that that fact helps with visual learning and helps build confidence when learning to read.  Thank you again, Wezen.  I'm delighted that you and your son enjoyed the book and your outstanding review means more to me than you know.

Speaking of Things You Might See #3, the book became a #1 Bestseller in the United States, the European Union and Japan this week!  I can't tell you how satisfying it is to learn that one of my books helped bring parents and children together all around the world.

If you haven't gotten your copy yet, here's one of the illustrations:

You've probably already guessed that this is the last drawing in the book.

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Things You Might See #3 Becomes a #1 Bestseller!

My latest children's rhyming picture book, Things You Might See #3, just became a #1 Bestseller in Germany and has climbed to #3 in the UK!  Thank you to everyone who helped make this book a smashing success in Europe!

This book is currently FREE in the U.S.  If you'd like to get your FREE copy now, just CLICK HERE.

Here's the cover of the new book:

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Things You Might See #3 Now Available on Amazon!

Things You Might See #3 is now available in the kindle store for only $2.99 U.S.  The third installment in the wildly popular #1 Bestselling Things You Might See series of rhyming picture books for kids learning to read, this book uses colorful drawings and often-funny rhymes to delight kids' eyes and ears while helping them learn to read.

You might remember that I showed you a drawing from the new book the other day called, A Girl on a Sled and challenged you to guess what drawing would complete the rhyme.  I gave you a hint in that the name of the drawing in question is, Or a ___________ under your bed.  I also said that the thing under your bed was very large; so much so that you'd never expect to find one under your bed.  What did you guess?

Well, if you guessed 'rhinoceros' you were correct and should be proud of yourself for getting the answer.  If you guessed something else, you should feel good that you tried and, who knows, you could have been right!

Here's the drawing:

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Thank You to Julie Garcia, New Book & a Riddle!

My heartfelt THANK YOU to Julie D. Garcia for her excellent five-star review of my #1 Bestselling children's book, Bedtime Can Be Fun!  Julie said that it's a cute and fun book to read to her boys, who love the book and always ask for it.  Thank you, Julie.  The review means more to me than you know and I'm delighted to learn that you and your boys enjoy the book!

In other news, I'm finally publishing the third installment in my Things You Might See series.  The new book should be available in the kindle store late today or tomorrow.  Here's one of the illustrations from the new book:

As you can see, it's called A Girl on a Sled.  Can you guess what drawing will complete the rhyme with this drawing?  I'll give you a hint: The name of the drawing that completes this rhyme is, Or a __________ Under Your Bed.  Here's another hint: the thing under your bed is very big; so big that you would never expect to find one under your bed.  I'll give the answer to this riddle and show you the drawing in a few days.  Good luck guessing!

I'm almost finished with the Halloween storybook I've been telling you about here in my blog and will be publishing it in two or three weeks.  I'll keep you posted when I get a firm publication date.

Thanks again for your excellent review, Julie.  Please say hello to your boys for me.

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time!