Saturday, February 8, 2014

Thank You to Big Daddy & Riddle Answer

A warm and heartfelt THANK YOU to Big Daddy for his excellent four-star review of my latest children's book, Anna and the Storm.  Big Daddy said that it's "a very good book" and particularly liked the Edgar Allan Poe poem, called Annabel Lee, at the end, which he found to be "a very nice touch."  Big Daddy added that Anna and the Storm "is a good book for children."  Thanks again for your outstanding review, Big Daddy!  I'm delighted that you enjoyed the book and your review means more to me than you know.

You may remember that I recently challenged you to guess what illustration might be paired with the drawing I showed you in my last post, called, a giraffe driving a car, from my #1 Bestselling children's book, Things You Might See #3.  My hint was that it was a drawing of a boy playing a musical instrument that rhymes with car.  If you guessed guitar, you were right!  Good job!  Here's the picture:

In other news, I'm taking a short break from writing children's books for a little while because I'm working on a book of poems for grown-ups.  The poems are called haiga, which is a Japanese word for short poems called haiku that are paired with pictures.  I'll let you know here in my blog when the book becomes available --- then I'll jump right back into writing and illustrating children's books again!

Thanks for stopping by everyone!  See you next time!

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