Saturday, February 1, 2014

Thank You to Jessica and A. Stauff Ann, and "Anna and the Storm" a Smashing Success!

First things first; my heartfelt THANK YOU to Jessica for her outstanding five-star review of my #1 Bestselling children's book, Things You Might See #3.  Jessica is a nanny and said that many of the children she cares for love the book, including a three year old boy who "constantly asks for this book."  Jessica added that the rhymes and illustrations are cute.  Thanks again, Jessica.  I'm delighted that you and the children you care for liked the book!

THANK YOU, too, to A. Stauf Ann for her excellent four-star review of my #1 Bestselling children's book, Bedtime Can Be Fun!  Ann said that the book is cute and she enjoyed reading it to her grandchildren twice in one night.  Ann added that "Bedtime Can Be Fun" will remain on her kindle so that she can enjoy it with her grandchildren again in the future.  Thank you for your wonderful review, Ann.  It means more to me than you know.

I also want to thank everyone who helped make my most recent children's book, Anna and the Storm, a smashing success!  While it never made it to #1, it was a bestseller in the U.S., Europe and Asia and made it to #3 in both Germany and Japan!

Now, here's a riddle for you:

One of the illustrations from Things You Might See #3, mentioned above, is called, A giraffe driving a car.  Here it is:

The drawing that is paired with this one in the book is of a boy playing a musical instrument.  Can you guess what the boy is playing in that drawing?  Remember, it rhymes with car.  I'll give you the answer here in my blog in a few days.  Good luck guessing!

Thanks for stopping by everyone!  See you next time!

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