Thursday, August 8, 2013

Thank You to Everyone Who Helped Make 'Count to 10' a Smashing Success!

Well, the special promotion for Count to Ten With Your New Friends has ended and I'm delighted to report that it was a smashing success!  The book earned #1 Bestseller rankings in France, Germany, Italy and the United States and climbed to #4 in the United Kingdom!  My sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who helped the book achieve such lofty heights in little more than a week since its publication.

You may remember that I showed you a picture in my last blog post called, "A Cat and a Bat" and challenged you to guess what drawing would complete the rhyme in the upcoming third installment in my Things You Might See series, which I hope to release in about a month.  You'll remember that my hint was that the drawing was of an alligator wearing a                 .

Well, if you guessed 'hat,' you were correct and should be proud of yourself for being brilliant!  Here's the drawing:

Thanks again to all my loyal readers!  And thanks for stopping by, everyone!

See you next time!

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