Monday, August 19, 2013

Halloween Book, An Illustration and Thanks to Front Porch Reader!

Summer's winding down and I'm hard at work on my Halloween book, which you might remember I mentioned here in my blog a few weeks ago.  All of my books so far have been rhyming picture books, but this one's going to be a non-rhyming storybook with just a few drawings.  Here's one of the illustrations:

The heroes of the story are Autumn (pictured above on the left) and her best friend James, who lives next door.  You might also notice the silhouette of of a rather unpleasant woman wearing a pointed hat and riding a broom as she flies in front of the moon.  I can't go into details about the story just yet, but the book will give parents and children an opportunity to discuss such important issues as sympathy, empathy, gender equality and the importance of cooperation, among many others.  Oh, and it will be a little scary and a lot of fun too!  Look for it in the kindle store in mid-October.

Don't forget I'm going to release the third installment in my Things You Might See series in about a month.  The first two books became #1 Bestsellers within days of their publications and I'm hoping that, with your help, this one will too.

Also, my heartfelt thank you to Front Porch Reader, who gave my most recent book, Count to Ten With Your New Friends, an excellent five-star review.  Front Porch Reader said that it was an, "awesome book for kids. Kids of all ages. Even kids like me!  My two preschoolers and all of their friends loved it. Can't wait for the next one!"  Thanks again, Front Porch Reader, your review and comments mean more to me than you know.

Speaking of Front Porch Reader, I think I'll grab my kindle, go out on my front porch and have a good read.  Who knows, maybe I'll fall asleep out there and dream about another scary story I once saw in a movie.  It was about a man who could change the way he...  Well, maybe I'll tell you about it another time.

Thanks for stopping by everyone!  See you next time!

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