Sunday, December 7, 2014

Christmas Book on Sale Now!

My children's Christmas ebook, Noel's Christmas Wish, is available for only $2.99 now through the end of the year.  The paperback version is available at most booksellers for under ten dollars.

Here's the cover of the book:

If you'd like to see this book on amazon, CLICK HERE.

Thanks for stopping by everyone!  See you next time!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Halloween Book on Sale Now!

My children's Halloween ebook, The Witch That Was Afraid of Bugs, is on sale for only 99 cents from now through Halloween on both and barnes&

This is a story book about a girl named Autumn who meets a witch on Halloween night.  The witch steals Autumn's Halloween candy.  When Autumn discovers that the witch is afraid of bugs, she devises a plan to help the witch overcome her fears and, in the process, get her candy back.  This story provides children and parents an excellent opportunity to discuss such important issues as fairness, friendship and helping others.  The average reader review for this book is five out of five stars.

If you'd like to view this item on amazon, CLICK HERE.

If you'd like to view it on Barnes & Nobel, CLICK HERE.

Here's the cover of the book:

If you're interested in this book in paperback form, CLICK HERE.

Thanks for stopping by everyone!  See you next time!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

"Things You Might Read" Now Available in Paperback! And It's on Sale!

My latest #1 International Bestseller, Things You Might Read, is now available as a full-color paperback book!  The retail price is $9.95 but as of a few minutes ago, amazon is discounting it at $8.96!  I don't know how long amazon will be offering this discount so you might want to make your move now if you want a paperback copy.

Things You Might Read is also available as an ebook for $2.99 if you'd rather go digital.  CLICK HERE if you'd like to view the ebook version on amazon.

Here's an illustration from the book:

Thanks for stopping by everyone!  See you next time!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

"Things You Might Read" Becomes a #1 International Bestseller!

THANK YOU to everyone who helped make Things You Might Read a #1 International Bestseller! Most copies sold here in the U.S., of course, but it also became a #1 Bestseller in the United Kingdom, the European Union and Asia in the week since its publication!

If you haven't seen it yet, here's the cover:

Things You Might Read is available as an ebook for $2.99 right now.  It should be available as a paperback book next week for $9.95.

I couldn't have achieved the success I've enjoyed without the fantastic help of all my loyal readers.  I can't thank you enough for your continued support!

Thanks for stopping by everyone!  See you next time!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

New Book Now Available and a Riddle Answer!

I'm delighted to announce that my new children's book, Things You MIght Read! is now available!

With a new school year upon us, some children may be apprehensive about the prospect of learning to read.  Things You Might Read! will help children become enthusiastic about learning to read whether they're anxious about the idea or can't wait to get started.

Things You Might Read! is available as an eBook through amazon right now and will be available as a paperback book in a few days.

You may remember that I showed you an illustration from the new book last week that was called, "and you might even learn where hiccups come from" and challenged you to guess what illustration might complete the rhyme.  My hints were that the other illustration is about a girl who learns to play a loud musical instrument that rhymes with 'from.'

Well, if you guessed 'drum,' you were right and should feel proud of yourself for guessing the correct answer!  Here's the illustration:

Well, thanks for stopping by everyone!  See you next time!

Monday, August 11, 2014

New Book and a Riddle!

Hello everyone!  I hope you're all having a wonderful summer!

I'm delighted to announce that I'm going to release a new children's book very soon.  I can't tell you the title yet but it's a book that will encourage kids to be excited about learning to read by talking about the exciting things they'll read about, the adventures they'll have when reading and all the fun things they'll learn.  Speaking of which, here's a riddle for you:

The illustration below is called, and you might even learn where hiccups come from:

Can you guess what word completes this rhyme?  Remember, it will rhyme with 'from.'  I'll give you a hint; it's about a girl who learns how to play a loud musical instrument.  I'll give you the answer here on my blog in a few days.  Good luck guessing!

Well, thanks for stopping by everyone!  See you next time!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Thank You to Bill Bourcier and "Anna and the Storm" free now through Wednesday!

My heartfelt Thank You to Bill Bourcier for his excellent five-star review of my children's book, Anna and the Storm.  Bill said that it's a, "charming and insightful story" and a "very nicely written and upbeat story about prejudice and unwillingness to be open minded."  He added that it's a good book to be read out loud.  Thank you for your outstanding review, Bill; it means more to me than you know.  Anna is a #1 Bestseller, both domestically and internationally, and amazon is offering Anna and the Storm for FREE now through Wednesday.

It's the story of a musically-talented girl named Anna who writes a piece of music on a rock.  When the music is later found, the townspeople conclude that it came about through divine intervention.  When a storm washes the music away from the face of the rock, everyone concludes that it was taken away from them because of someone's wrongdoing and blame a dark stranger who came to town an hour before the storm.  The townspeople want to punish the stranger for causing the storm to take away their song.  Anna must find a way to convince everyone that it was she who wrote the music and it would be wrong to punish the innocent stranger.

Here's the cover of the book:

Thanks for stopping by everyone!  See you next time!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Thank You to Michael M. and A New Book for Grown-Ups!

A heartfelt and sincere THANK YOU to Michael M. who recently gave my most recent children's book, Anna and the Storm, an excellent five-star review!  Michael said that it's a terrific children's book, that it's very well written and it's a great book for children of all ages, especially up to age 12.  Thank you for your outstanding review, Michael!  I'm delighted that you enjoyed the book and your review means more to me than you know!

In other news, I've just published a book for grown-ups called The Sparrow's Dream.  It's a book of photographs with short poems called haiku.  If you're a young person who hasn't heard of haiku before, you might want to ask your parents to help you learn about them.  They're a lot of fun to write and it's also fun to read ones other people have written!  If you want to learn all about haiku and how you can write your own, you can ask you parents to CLICK HERE and help you out!  If you do, I'll bet you'll have a lot of fun!

As I said in my last post here, I've been working very hard on my grown-up book lately and that's why I haven't been writing much here lately.  Now that my grown-up book is done, though, I'll be writing more books for kids and talking about them here.

Until then, here's what the cover of my new book for grown-ups looks like:

Thanks for stopping by everyone!  See you next time!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Thank You to Big Daddy & Riddle Answer

A warm and heartfelt THANK YOU to Big Daddy for his excellent four-star review of my latest children's book, Anna and the Storm.  Big Daddy said that it's "a very good book" and particularly liked the Edgar Allan Poe poem, called Annabel Lee, at the end, which he found to be "a very nice touch."  Big Daddy added that Anna and the Storm "is a good book for children."  Thanks again for your outstanding review, Big Daddy!  I'm delighted that you enjoyed the book and your review means more to me than you know.

You may remember that I recently challenged you to guess what illustration might be paired with the drawing I showed you in my last post, called, a giraffe driving a car, from my #1 Bestselling children's book, Things You Might See #3.  My hint was that it was a drawing of a boy playing a musical instrument that rhymes with car.  If you guessed guitar, you were right!  Good job!  Here's the picture:

In other news, I'm taking a short break from writing children's books for a little while because I'm working on a book of poems for grown-ups.  The poems are called haiga, which is a Japanese word for short poems called haiku that are paired with pictures.  I'll let you know here in my blog when the book becomes available --- then I'll jump right back into writing and illustrating children's books again!

Thanks for stopping by everyone!  See you next time!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Thank You to Jessica and A. Stauff Ann, and "Anna and the Storm" a Smashing Success!

First things first; my heartfelt THANK YOU to Jessica for her outstanding five-star review of my #1 Bestselling children's book, Things You Might See #3.  Jessica is a nanny and said that many of the children she cares for love the book, including a three year old boy who "constantly asks for this book."  Jessica added that the rhymes and illustrations are cute.  Thanks again, Jessica.  I'm delighted that you and the children you care for liked the book!

THANK YOU, too, to A. Stauf Ann for her excellent four-star review of my #1 Bestselling children's book, Bedtime Can Be Fun!  Ann said that the book is cute and she enjoyed reading it to her grandchildren twice in one night.  Ann added that "Bedtime Can Be Fun" will remain on her kindle so that she can enjoy it with her grandchildren again in the future.  Thank you for your wonderful review, Ann.  It means more to me than you know.

I also want to thank everyone who helped make my most recent children's book, Anna and the Storm, a smashing success!  While it never made it to #1, it was a bestseller in the U.S., Europe and Asia and made it to #3 in both Germany and Japan!

Now, here's a riddle for you:

One of the illustrations from Things You Might See #3, mentioned above, is called, A giraffe driving a car.  Here it is:

The drawing that is paired with this one in the book is of a boy playing a musical instrument.  Can you guess what the boy is playing in that drawing?  Remember, it rhymes with car.  I'll give you the answer here in my blog in a few days.  Good luck guessing!

Thanks for stopping by everyone!  See you next time!

Monday, January 20, 2014

"Anna and the Storm" Now Available on Amazon and A Music Video!

I've just published a new children's book called Anna and the Storm on amazon!  It's a rhyming picture book about a musically-gifted girl named Anna who writes a piece of music on a rock in the woods near her house just for fun.  When the rock is found, the music is performed for the people of Anna's small town. The music is so beautiful, the town mayor and pastor are convinced that the music is a gift from heaven.  When a storm washes the music away from the face of the rock, the townspeople believe that the music was taken from them for someone's wrongdoing and try to blame a dark stranger and Anna for taking away the music.  Anna must find a way to convince everyone that she wrote the music and that the stranger and she had nothing to do with causing the storm that took away her song.

This story offers parents and children an excellent opportunity to discuss such important issues as the dangers of jumping to conclusions, blaming innocent people for imagined wrongs, distrusting people we don't know just because they are strange to us and the fact that our political and religious leaders are just as fallible as everyone else and sometimes work against our best interests.

This is a long-form rhyming picture book written for children ages nine to thirteen, though younger children will enjoy the cadence of the rhymes.

I've also made a YouTube video of Anna's Tune that you can watch right now if you want to hear the music that Anna wrote in the story.  The song is actually a traditional American folk song called Shenandoah which was probably written over two hundred years ago.  It has lived all of those years because of its beautiful melody.

Here's the cover of Anna and the Storm:

Thanks for stopping by everyone!  See you next time!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Thank You to Sharon F, Upcoming Book & Riddle Answer

My sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU to Sharon F for her excellent four-star review of my children's Christmas book Noel's Christmas Wish.  Sharon read the book with her six year old granddaughter, who said that it was a good story.  Thank you again, Sharon.  I'm delighted that you and your granddaughter enjoyed the book and your review means more to me than you know.

In other news, I should be publishing my next children's book in a week or so.  It's a rhyming picture book about a musically gifted girl named Anna.  Here's a drawing of Anna and the house where she lives which you'll see in the book:

This book is written for nine to twelve year olds but younger children will enjoy the cadence of the rhymes.

You might remember that I showed you an illustration called, or a toad in your pocket, from my recent #1 Bestselling book, Things You Might See #4.  You'll remember that I challenged you to guess what illustration might be paired with that one in the book.  My hint was that it was something that rhymed with pocket and that it moved very quickly.  Well, if you guessed rocket, you were right!  Good job!

Here's the illustration:

Thanks for stopping by everyone!  See you next time!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Happy New Year! Thank You for Things #4 Sales & A Riddle

Happy (slightly belated) New Year, everyone!  I hope the new year finds you healthy and happy and that 2014 is the best year yet for you and yours!

My newest children's book, Things You Might See #4, became a #1 Bestseller in the USA, UK, Latin America and all across Europe and Asia last month!  THANK YOU to everyone who bought a copy and helped make this book a smashing success all around the world!

You might remember that I showed you a drawing the other day called, A bicycle built for two and challenged you to guess what drawing might be paired with that one in the book.  If you guessed or a snake crawling out of your shoe, you were right!  Good job!  Here's the drawing:

Here's a new riddle for you; the drawing below is called, or a toad in your pocket.

Can you guess the name of the drawing that's paired with this one in the book?  Remember, it will rhyme with pocket.  I'll give you a hint: it's something that moves very quickly.  I'll give you the answer in a few days.  Good luck guessing!

Thanks for stopping by everyone!  See you next time!