Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Holidays!

Well, the holiday season is upon us once again!  I hope that those of you who celebrate Thanksgiving had a wonderful holiday yesterday.  Mine was spectacular!  It snowed during most of the day and the temperatures stayed well below freezing, so it was a beautiful day.

Speaking of the holidays, all of my children's e-books are now available as beautifully-printed full-color paperbacks just in time for the holiday shopping season. If you'd like to see a complete list of my titles, check out my Amazon Author Page.

In related news, I'm hard at work on a children's Christmas book and hope to release it in mid-December.  The main character is named Noel and she's asked me to give you this holiday greeting from her to you:

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Thank You (Twice) to A Navy Vet!

My sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU to A Navy Vet for giving The Seriously Silly 1-2-3 Book an outstanding five-star review!  A Navy Vet said that the book provides lots of opportunities for interaction between parents and children, that the drawings are excellent and the animals depicted are hilarious.  A Navy Vet recommends the book most highly!

Thank you for your enthusiastic review, A Navy Vet, but far more importantly thank you for your service in the Navy.  Selfless, dedicated, honorable people like you are a rare and special breed.  Your sacrifices and commitment to duty quite literally guarantee that the rest of us can enjoy the freedoms that we do.  Words can't adequately express the depth of gratitude I feel for you and our other service men and women.  We all owe you a profound debt of gratitude.

Kids, you might want to consider being in the Navy when you grow up.  As a sailor, you get to travel all around the world, meet lots of great people and see a lot of wonderful places.  Don't get me wrong, you'll have to do a lot of hard work to keep your ship in shape and to keep yourself and your shipmates safe if there's a war, but you'll be serving your country, helping people in need all around the world and helping to keep your countrymen and women free!  That would make you a very special person indeed.

If you do join the Navy, you might look like one of these sailors standing on the deck of your ship:

Looks like fun to me!

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Free Promotion of "The Seriously Silly 1-2-3 Book!"

Just a quick note to let you know that my #1 Bestselling ebook, The Seriously Silly 1-2-3 Book, is available for FREE through amazon today and tomorrow only, so you might want to get your copy now before amazon runs out of electrons.

This book is also available in a Paperback Edition through amazon, as are most of my children's books and I'm still working hard to release them all in book form.  I'll have exciting news about that soon.

Here's the cover of the book in case you want to find it on my Author Page:

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Thank You to H. E. Schaefer & Denise Harris-Fiems, Paperback Sales & An Illustration

My sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU to H. E. Schaefer for giving my first #1 Bestseller, Things You Might See, an excellent five-star review!  H. E. said that reading the book helps one realize that the world is a wonderful place.  I couldn't agree more!  I'm delighted that you enjoyed the book, H. E. and your outstanding review means more to me that you know.  Thank you!

"Things You Might See" recently became available as a beautifully-printed full color paperback book, by the way.  Click here if you'd like to check it out.

Speaking of paperbacks, all of my children's books are already available as ebooks and most are now available as paperbacks as well.  I've been working hard to make all of them available in paperback form by the start of the holiday shopping season, which starts in a couple of weeks.  Click here if you'd like to see which of my books are already in paperback form.  At any rate, all my hard work has begun to pay off as I have already sold multiple copies of my paperback books!  Hooray!

I had a really good time meeting and talking to people at a Local Author's Fair at the White Lake, Michigan Library on Saturday.  Writing and illustrating books is a solitary business and it's always fun to get out and meet people who are interested in books.  My warm THANK YOU to Denise Harris-Fiems for organizing the event.  It was a wonderful time at a wonderful place!

Here's a drawing I added to the recently-published paperback version of The Seriously Silly 1-2-3 Book.  This character appears in a group of similar characters in the ebook version of this book, but I liked him enough that I decided to give him a page of his own in the paperback.  He's called an orange-nosed wigglebelly.  I hope you like him.

Well, thanks for stopping by everyone!  See you next time!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Thank You to Cara Correll, Paperback Releases & Book Signing Today!

My sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU to Cara Correll for her excellent five-star review of my children's ebook, Bedtime Can Be Fun!  Cara said that the book is a cute kid's story about the wonderful things children can visit in their dreams.  Thank you for your outstanding review, Cara.  I'm delighted that you enjoyed the book and your review means more to me than you know.

In case anyone's interested, Bedtime Can Be Fun! is also available as a beautifully printed paperback book.  I've been working very hard these last few weeks on all of my children's ebooks so that they can be printed as full color paperback books by the start of the holiday season at the end of this month.  You can see which of my books are already available as paperbacks on my amazon Author Page, if you're interested.

Also, I'll be signing my children's books at the White Lake Library in White Lake, Michigan from two until four o'clock today.  Please feel free to drop by if you'd like to chat with me or buy any of my books.  I'll be the handsome one who looks like this:

In this photo, I'm the one playing the ukulele, not the green one on my shoulder.

Thank you again for your wonderful review, Cara!

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Witch Sales, Print Books & Riddle Answer

Well, Halloween is behind us and I'm delighted to report that while The Witch That Was Afraid of Bugs: A Halloween Tale didn't make it to #1, I'm absolutely gobsmacked at the number of books we sold!  My heartfelt thank you to everyone who bought a copy.

Two of my children's ebooks, Bedtime Can Be Fun and More Things You Might See are now available as paperback books on amazon!  Things You Might See and Things You Might See #3 will be available as paperback books in a few days.  I'm formatting all of my other books for paperback publication and hope to have them all available by the end of the month.  I have to admit that I'm very pleased with the printed versions of these books.  The colors are vibrant and the images are sharp.

You might remember that I showed you a drawing the other day called, "Or Tickle a Turtle with a Feather Until It Laughs Out Loud," from my book Bedtime Can Be Fun! and that I challenged you to guess what the drawing is called that is paired with that drawing.  Well, if you guessed, "Climb a Tall Mountain and Touch a Big Cloud" you were right!  Here's the drawing:

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!

See you next time!