Friday, November 1, 2013

Witch Sales, Print Books & Riddle Answer

Well, Halloween is behind us and I'm delighted to report that while The Witch That Was Afraid of Bugs: A Halloween Tale didn't make it to #1, I'm absolutely gobsmacked at the number of books we sold!  My heartfelt thank you to everyone who bought a copy.

Two of my children's ebooks, Bedtime Can Be Fun and More Things You Might See are now available as paperback books on amazon!  Things You Might See and Things You Might See #3 will be available as paperback books in a few days.  I'm formatting all of my other books for paperback publication and hope to have them all available by the end of the month.  I have to admit that I'm very pleased with the printed versions of these books.  The colors are vibrant and the images are sharp.

You might remember that I showed you a drawing the other day called, "Or Tickle a Turtle with a Feather Until It Laughs Out Loud," from my book Bedtime Can Be Fun! and that I challenged you to guess what the drawing is called that is paired with that drawing.  Well, if you guessed, "Climb a Tall Mountain and Touch a Big Cloud" you were right!  Here's the drawing:

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!

See you next time!

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