Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Thank You (Twice) to A Navy Vet!

My sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU to A Navy Vet for giving The Seriously Silly 1-2-3 Book an outstanding five-star review!  A Navy Vet said that the book provides lots of opportunities for interaction between parents and children, that the drawings are excellent and the animals depicted are hilarious.  A Navy Vet recommends the book most highly!

Thank you for your enthusiastic review, A Navy Vet, but far more importantly thank you for your service in the Navy.  Selfless, dedicated, honorable people like you are a rare and special breed.  Your sacrifices and commitment to duty quite literally guarantee that the rest of us can enjoy the freedoms that we do.  Words can't adequately express the depth of gratitude I feel for you and our other service men and women.  We all owe you a profound debt of gratitude.

Kids, you might want to consider being in the Navy when you grow up.  As a sailor, you get to travel all around the world, meet lots of great people and see a lot of wonderful places.  Don't get me wrong, you'll have to do a lot of hard work to keep your ship in shape and to keep yourself and your shipmates safe if there's a war, but you'll be serving your country, helping people in need all around the world and helping to keep your countrymen and women free!  That would make you a very special person indeed.

If you do join the Navy, you might look like one of these sailors standing on the deck of your ship:

Looks like fun to me!

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time!

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