Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Thank You to H. E. Schaefer & Denise Harris-Fiems, Paperback Sales & An Illustration

My sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU to H. E. Schaefer for giving my first #1 Bestseller, Things You Might See, an excellent five-star review!  H. E. said that reading the book helps one realize that the world is a wonderful place.  I couldn't agree more!  I'm delighted that you enjoyed the book, H. E. and your outstanding review means more to me that you know.  Thank you!

"Things You Might See" recently became available as a beautifully-printed full color paperback book, by the way.  Click here if you'd like to check it out.

Speaking of paperbacks, all of my children's books are already available as ebooks and most are now available as paperbacks as well.  I've been working hard to make all of them available in paperback form by the start of the holiday shopping season, which starts in a couple of weeks.  Click here if you'd like to see which of my books are already in paperback form.  At any rate, all my hard work has begun to pay off as I have already sold multiple copies of my paperback books!  Hooray!

I had a really good time meeting and talking to people at a Local Author's Fair at the White Lake, Michigan Library on Saturday.  Writing and illustrating books is a solitary business and it's always fun to get out and meet people who are interested in books.  My warm THANK YOU to Denise Harris-Fiems for organizing the event.  It was a wonderful time at a wonderful place!

Here's a drawing I added to the recently-published paperback version of The Seriously Silly 1-2-3 Book.  This character appears in a group of similar characters in the ebook version of this book, but I liked him enough that I decided to give him a page of his own in the paperback.  He's called an orange-nosed wigglebelly.  I hope you like him.

Well, thanks for stopping by everyone!  See you next time!

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