Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas! A Gift for You! Thank You (Again) to A Navy Vet!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

In the spirit of the day, here's a FREE GIFT FOR YOU!  It's a FREE copy of my latest children's book, "Things You Might See #4," and it will be free on amazon through Sunday the twenty-ninth.  I hope you enjoy it!

Also, my sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU to A Navy Vet for giving my recent children's book, Noel's Christmas Wish, an excellent five-star review!  A Navy Vet said that it's a wonderful story about the true meaning of the season at Christmas, which is sharing with those less fortunate than ourselves.  A Navy Vet also recommends the book most highly!  Thank you so much for the outstanding review, A Navy Vet.  I'm delighted that you enjoyed the book and your wonderful review means the world to me.

Have a merry Christmas everyone!

Thanks for stopping by.  See you next time!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

New Book, A Riddle & Thanks for "Noel" Sales

First things first; Christmas is nearly upon us and I have to say THANK YOU to everyone who helped make Noel's Christmas Wish a smashing success!  While it hasn't made it to #1, it became a #2 Bestseller in Europe last week!  Thanks to everyone who bought a copy.

In other news, I've just published the kindle edition of my newest book, Things You Might See #4, on amazon.  The paperback version should be available in a few days.  This is the fourth installment in my wildly popular #1 Bestselling Things You Might See series.

Here's an illustration from the book:

As you can see, this drawing is called "A bicycle built for two."  Can you guess what drawing might be paired with this one in the book?  Remember, it will rhyme with "two."  I'll give you the answer here in my blog in a few days.  Good luck guessing!

And if you don't stop in before Christmas day, MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Thanks for stopping by everyone!  See you next time!

Friday, December 13, 2013

"Noel's Christmas Wish" Now Available on Amazon!

My new children's book, Noel's Christmas Wish: A Christmas Story, is now available on amazon for only $2.99!  It's about a girl named Noel who lives a privileged life until a storm damages her private school and forces her to attend the local public school.  There, she learns how fortunate she's been and how her wealthy father's business practices have affected their town.

When it comes time for Noel to make her Christmas wish, her father expects her to ask for a horse.  Instead, Noel's surprising wish changes the live of everyone in their small town and teaches both Noel and her father the powerful lessons of community, sympathy and love.

The book is now available on amazon as an ebook.  A paperback edition should be available for purchase later today.  Here's the cover:

In other news, you might remember that I gave you a riddle the other day.  I showed you a drawing of an Ip and challenged you to guess what illustration might be paired with the one I showed you.  Your hint was that the other drawing rhymes with Ip.  Well, if you guessed three stacks of flippity-floppity clippity-cloppity really big groppity tiny small hoppity sippy drip-droppity lippity fip, you were right!  Congratulations for guessing the right answer!

Well, thanks for stopping by everyone!  See you next time!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Thank You to Bebbe, 'Museum' Still Free on Amazon, an Illustration & a Riddle

My sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU to Bebbe for her excellent four-star review of my children's e-book, The Can't See 'Em Museum.  Bebbe said that the book is very funny and educational for children without them noticing it.  She also said that the book is a really fun and unique way of introducing microbes for children in a way that they will understand without scaring them.  She added that the illustrations are sweet and the tongue twisters are reminiscent of Dr. Seuss.  I couldn't be more honored!  Dr. Seuss is not only my favorite children's book author but he still stands in a class by himself in the world of children's book publishing.  Thank you again, Bebbe.  Your review means more to me than you know.

The Can't See 'Em Museum is still FREE on amazon for another day or two.  CLICK HERE if you want to get your FREE copy now.

If you'd rather buy the book in paperback form as a stocking stuffer, CLICK HERE.

Here's one of the illustrations from the book:

I named this guy an Ip.  Can you guess what the name of the creatures are that are paired with the Ip in my book?  Remember, it rhymes with Ip.  I'll give you the answer here in my blog in a few days.  Good luck guessing!

In other news, I've finished writing the children's Christmas book I told you about here the other day and just finished the cover illustration this morning.  Now I just have to prepare the computer files for publication and upload them to online retailers.  I'll let you know when it becomes available.

Thanks for stopping by everyone!  See you next time!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Free Promotion for "The Can't See 'Em Museum"

Hello everyone!

I'm running a FREE promotion for my #1 Bestselling children's e-book, The Can't See 'Em Museum, on amazon for the next couple of days.

The book introduces children to the concept of microscopic organisms by using humorous rhymes and colorful characters such as the hippopotamusaurus on a hippopotamusaurus skateboard pictured on the cover:

If you'd like to get your FREE copy, just CLICK HERE.

This book is also available in a beautifully-printed paperback edition as well.  CLICK HERE if you'd like to learn more.

In other news, I've finished writing the children's Christmas book I told you about here the other day and have started working on the cover.  The book is about a girl named Noel whose privileged life is turned upside-down when a storm damages her private school and she's forced to attend the public school in her town.  There she learns the lessons of humility, grace and charity just in time for the holiday season.

I hope to publish the book in a week or so.

Thanks for stopping by everyone!  See you next time!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Holidays!

Well, the holiday season is upon us once again!  I hope that those of you who celebrate Thanksgiving had a wonderful holiday yesterday.  Mine was spectacular!  It snowed during most of the day and the temperatures stayed well below freezing, so it was a beautiful day.

Speaking of the holidays, all of my children's e-books are now available as beautifully-printed full-color paperbacks just in time for the holiday shopping season. If you'd like to see a complete list of my titles, check out my Amazon Author Page.

In related news, I'm hard at work on a children's Christmas book and hope to release it in mid-December.  The main character is named Noel and she's asked me to give you this holiday greeting from her to you:

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Thank You (Twice) to A Navy Vet!

My sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU to A Navy Vet for giving The Seriously Silly 1-2-3 Book an outstanding five-star review!  A Navy Vet said that the book provides lots of opportunities for interaction between parents and children, that the drawings are excellent and the animals depicted are hilarious.  A Navy Vet recommends the book most highly!

Thank you for your enthusiastic review, A Navy Vet, but far more importantly thank you for your service in the Navy.  Selfless, dedicated, honorable people like you are a rare and special breed.  Your sacrifices and commitment to duty quite literally guarantee that the rest of us can enjoy the freedoms that we do.  Words can't adequately express the depth of gratitude I feel for you and our other service men and women.  We all owe you a profound debt of gratitude.

Kids, you might want to consider being in the Navy when you grow up.  As a sailor, you get to travel all around the world, meet lots of great people and see a lot of wonderful places.  Don't get me wrong, you'll have to do a lot of hard work to keep your ship in shape and to keep yourself and your shipmates safe if there's a war, but you'll be serving your country, helping people in need all around the world and helping to keep your countrymen and women free!  That would make you a very special person indeed.

If you do join the Navy, you might look like one of these sailors standing on the deck of your ship:

Looks like fun to me!

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Free Promotion of "The Seriously Silly 1-2-3 Book!"

Just a quick note to let you know that my #1 Bestselling ebook, The Seriously Silly 1-2-3 Book, is available for FREE through amazon today and tomorrow only, so you might want to get your copy now before amazon runs out of electrons.

This book is also available in a Paperback Edition through amazon, as are most of my children's books and I'm still working hard to release them all in book form.  I'll have exciting news about that soon.

Here's the cover of the book in case you want to find it on my Author Page:

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Thank You to H. E. Schaefer & Denise Harris-Fiems, Paperback Sales & An Illustration

My sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU to H. E. Schaefer for giving my first #1 Bestseller, Things You Might See, an excellent five-star review!  H. E. said that reading the book helps one realize that the world is a wonderful place.  I couldn't agree more!  I'm delighted that you enjoyed the book, H. E. and your outstanding review means more to me that you know.  Thank you!

"Things You Might See" recently became available as a beautifully-printed full color paperback book, by the way.  Click here if you'd like to check it out.

Speaking of paperbacks, all of my children's books are already available as ebooks and most are now available as paperbacks as well.  I've been working hard to make all of them available in paperback form by the start of the holiday shopping season, which starts in a couple of weeks.  Click here if you'd like to see which of my books are already in paperback form.  At any rate, all my hard work has begun to pay off as I have already sold multiple copies of my paperback books!  Hooray!

I had a really good time meeting and talking to people at a Local Author's Fair at the White Lake, Michigan Library on Saturday.  Writing and illustrating books is a solitary business and it's always fun to get out and meet people who are interested in books.  My warm THANK YOU to Denise Harris-Fiems for organizing the event.  It was a wonderful time at a wonderful place!

Here's a drawing I added to the recently-published paperback version of The Seriously Silly 1-2-3 Book.  This character appears in a group of similar characters in the ebook version of this book, but I liked him enough that I decided to give him a page of his own in the paperback.  He's called an orange-nosed wigglebelly.  I hope you like him.

Well, thanks for stopping by everyone!  See you next time!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Thank You to Cara Correll, Paperback Releases & Book Signing Today!

My sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU to Cara Correll for her excellent five-star review of my children's ebook, Bedtime Can Be Fun!  Cara said that the book is a cute kid's story about the wonderful things children can visit in their dreams.  Thank you for your outstanding review, Cara.  I'm delighted that you enjoyed the book and your review means more to me than you know.

In case anyone's interested, Bedtime Can Be Fun! is also available as a beautifully printed paperback book.  I've been working very hard these last few weeks on all of my children's ebooks so that they can be printed as full color paperback books by the start of the holiday season at the end of this month.  You can see which of my books are already available as paperbacks on my amazon Author Page, if you're interested.

Also, I'll be signing my children's books at the White Lake Library in White Lake, Michigan from two until four o'clock today.  Please feel free to drop by if you'd like to chat with me or buy any of my books.  I'll be the handsome one who looks like this:

In this photo, I'm the one playing the ukulele, not the green one on my shoulder.

Thank you again for your wonderful review, Cara!

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Witch Sales, Print Books & Riddle Answer

Well, Halloween is behind us and I'm delighted to report that while The Witch That Was Afraid of Bugs: A Halloween Tale didn't make it to #1, I'm absolutely gobsmacked at the number of books we sold!  My heartfelt thank you to everyone who bought a copy.

Two of my children's ebooks, Bedtime Can Be Fun and More Things You Might See are now available as paperback books on amazon!  Things You Might See and Things You Might See #3 will be available as paperback books in a few days.  I'm formatting all of my other books for paperback publication and hope to have them all available by the end of the month.  I have to admit that I'm very pleased with the printed versions of these books.  The colors are vibrant and the images are sharp.

You might remember that I showed you a drawing the other day called, "Or Tickle a Turtle with a Feather Until It Laughs Out Loud," from my book Bedtime Can Be Fun! and that I challenged you to guess what the drawing is called that is paired with that drawing.  Well, if you guessed, "Climb a Tall Mountain and Touch a Big Cloud" you were right!  Here's the drawing:

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!

See you next time!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Thank You to Sharon Faloni, "Witch" Sales, Print Books and a Riddle!

My sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU to Sharon Faloni who gave my book, Things You Might See #3, an excellent five-star review!  Sharon said that her granddaughter enjoyed reading the book and especially enjoyed the wonderful illustrations which seemed to tickle her funny bone.  Sharon added that reading should always be an enjoyable experience and the book was certainly one for her granddaughter.  Thank you, Sharon!  I'm delighted that you and your granddaughter enjoyed the book and your review means more to me than you know!

Thank you, too, to everyone who's bought a copy of my latest Halloween book, The Witch That Was Afraid of Bugs, which has been selling a remarkable number of copies!  It will be available through amazon and Barnes & Noble through Halloween for only ninety-nine cents!

In other news, I'm formatting some of my ebooks so that they'll be available soon as printed books.  The first, Bedtime Can Be Fun!, should be available as a printed book in a few days.  I'll keep you posted as details develop.

Here's one of the illustrations from Bedtime:

Now for a riddle.  Can you guess what illustration is paired with this one?  I'll give you a hint; it's called, "Climb a tall mountain and touch a big _________."  Remember, the missing word rhymes with 'loud.'  I'll give you the answer in a few days.  Good luck guessing!

Thanks again for your outstanding review, Sharon!

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!

See you next time!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

"The Witch That Was Afraid of Bugs" Now Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble!

I just published my latest children's book, "The Witch That Was Afraid of Bugs: A Halloween Tale," on amazon and Barnes and Noble!  Unlike my other books, which have all been rhyming picture books, this one's a storybook with just a few pictures.

If you'd like to see the book on amazon, click here.

If you'd like to see it on Barnes and Noble, click here.

Here's the cover:

You may remember that I showed you a drawing from the book not long ago of the two main characters, Autumn and James.  In the drawing, they're dressed in their Halloween costumes.  I asked if you could guess what they were dressed as.  Well, if you guessed astronauts, you were right and should feel proud of yourself for guessing correctly!

I'm currently working on three more picture books which I hope to release in December.  I'll keep you posted as to what they're about in the coming days and weeks.

Well, thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Upcoming Halloween Book and Thank You to Penmouse!

My sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU to Penmouse, who gave my most recent #1 Bestselling book, Things You Might See #3, an excellent five-star review on amazon!  Penmouse highly recommends the book and found it to be a little bit silly and a whole lot of fun to read!  Penmouse also found the drawings to be fun and the rhymes to be written in such a way that children are able to guess the rhymes when they see the drawings.  Thank you again, Penmouse.  I'm ecstatic that you enjoyed the book and your review means the world to me!

As I write this, October is just hours away, which reminds me that I have a new Halloween book coming out in a couple of weeks.  While all of my books so far have been rhyming picture books, the new one is a storybook with just a few pictures.  Here's one of the drawings:

This is Autumn and her best friend, James, dressed in their Halloween costumes.  Can you guess what they're dressed as?  I'll give you the answer here on my blog in a few days.

Thanks again for your review, Penmouse!  I can't tell you how pleased I am that you took the time to tell the world how much you enjoyed the book!

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time!

Friday, September 27, 2013

"Things 3" #1 Bestseller in US, EU and Japan! Thank you to Wezen Chong!

My warm heartfelt THANK YOU to Wezen Chong for your excellent five-star review of Things You Might See #3.  Wezen's three year old son also gave the  book five stars and was so happy when he guessed the rhymes correctly.  Wezen likes how the last words in each rhyme are bigger and feels that that fact helps with visual learning and helps build confidence when learning to read.  Thank you again, Wezen.  I'm delighted that you and your son enjoyed the book and your outstanding review means more to me than you know.

Speaking of Things You Might See #3, the book became a #1 Bestseller in the United States, the European Union and Japan this week!  I can't tell you how satisfying it is to learn that one of my books helped bring parents and children together all around the world.

If you haven't gotten your copy yet, here's one of the illustrations:

You've probably already guessed that this is the last drawing in the book.

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Things You Might See #3 Becomes a #1 Bestseller!

My latest children's rhyming picture book, Things You Might See #3, just became a #1 Bestseller in Germany and has climbed to #3 in the UK!  Thank you to everyone who helped make this book a smashing success in Europe!

This book is currently FREE in the U.S.  If you'd like to get your FREE copy now, just CLICK HERE.

Here's the cover of the new book:

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Things You Might See #3 Now Available on Amazon!

Things You Might See #3 is now available in the kindle store for only $2.99 U.S.  The third installment in the wildly popular #1 Bestselling Things You Might See series of rhyming picture books for kids learning to read, this book uses colorful drawings and often-funny rhymes to delight kids' eyes and ears while helping them learn to read.

You might remember that I showed you a drawing from the new book the other day called, A Girl on a Sled and challenged you to guess what drawing would complete the rhyme.  I gave you a hint in that the name of the drawing in question is, Or a ___________ under your bed.  I also said that the thing under your bed was very large; so much so that you'd never expect to find one under your bed.  What did you guess?

Well, if you guessed 'rhinoceros' you were correct and should be proud of yourself for getting the answer.  If you guessed something else, you should feel good that you tried and, who knows, you could have been right!

Here's the drawing:

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Thank You to Julie Garcia, New Book & a Riddle!

My heartfelt THANK YOU to Julie D. Garcia for her excellent five-star review of my #1 Bestselling children's book, Bedtime Can Be Fun!  Julie said that it's a cute and fun book to read to her boys, who love the book and always ask for it.  Thank you, Julie.  The review means more to me than you know and I'm delighted to learn that you and your boys enjoy the book!

In other news, I'm finally publishing the third installment in my Things You Might See series.  The new book should be available in the kindle store late today or tomorrow.  Here's one of the illustrations from the new book:

As you can see, it's called A Girl on a Sled.  Can you guess what drawing will complete the rhyme with this drawing?  I'll give you a hint: The name of the drawing that completes this rhyme is, Or a __________ Under Your Bed.  Here's another hint: the thing under your bed is very big; so big that you would never expect to find one under your bed.  I'll give the answer to this riddle and show you the drawing in a few days.  Good luck guessing!

I'm almost finished with the Halloween storybook I've been telling you about here in my blog and will be publishing it in two or three weeks.  I'll keep you posted when I get a firm publication date.

Thanks again for your excellent review, Julie.  Please say hello to your boys for me.

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Halloween Book, An Illustration and Thanks to Front Porch Reader!

Summer's winding down and I'm hard at work on my Halloween book, which you might remember I mentioned here in my blog a few weeks ago.  All of my books so far have been rhyming picture books, but this one's going to be a non-rhyming storybook with just a few drawings.  Here's one of the illustrations:

The heroes of the story are Autumn (pictured above on the left) and her best friend James, who lives next door.  You might also notice the silhouette of of a rather unpleasant woman wearing a pointed hat and riding a broom as she flies in front of the moon.  I can't go into details about the story just yet, but the book will give parents and children an opportunity to discuss such important issues as sympathy, empathy, gender equality and the importance of cooperation, among many others.  Oh, and it will be a little scary and a lot of fun too!  Look for it in the kindle store in mid-October.

Don't forget I'm going to release the third installment in my Things You Might See series in about a month.  The first two books became #1 Bestsellers within days of their publications and I'm hoping that, with your help, this one will too.

Also, my heartfelt thank you to Front Porch Reader, who gave my most recent book, Count to Ten With Your New Friends, an excellent five-star review.  Front Porch Reader said that it was an, "awesome book for kids. Kids of all ages. Even kids like me!  My two preschoolers and all of their friends loved it. Can't wait for the next one!"  Thanks again, Front Porch Reader, your review and comments mean more to me than you know.

Speaking of Front Porch Reader, I think I'll grab my kindle, go out on my front porch and have a good read.  Who knows, maybe I'll fall asleep out there and dream about another scary story I once saw in a movie.  It was about a man who could change the way he...  Well, maybe I'll tell you about it another time.

Thanks for stopping by everyone!  See you next time!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Thank You to Everyone Who Helped Make 'Count to 10' a Smashing Success!

Well, the special promotion for Count to Ten With Your New Friends has ended and I'm delighted to report that it was a smashing success!  The book earned #1 Bestseller rankings in France, Germany, Italy and the United States and climbed to #4 in the United Kingdom!  My sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who helped the book achieve such lofty heights in little more than a week since its publication.

You may remember that I showed you a picture in my last blog post called, "A Cat and a Bat" and challenged you to guess what drawing would complete the rhyme in the upcoming third installment in my Things You Might See series, which I hope to release in about a month.  You'll remember that my hint was that the drawing was of an alligator wearing a                 .

Well, if you guessed 'hat,' you were correct and should be proud of yourself for being brilliant!  Here's the drawing:

Thanks again to all my loyal readers!  And thanks for stopping by, everyone!

See you next time!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

"Count to Ten With Your New Friends" a #1 Bestseller in USA & Europe!

Count to Ten With Your New Friends, the book I published on Wednesday, became a #1 Bestseller in both the United States and Europe late yesterday!  Hooray!  Follow the link at the beginning of this paragraph to get your FREE copy today.

I'll be publishing the third installment in my Things You Might See series around the first of October, after the kids have settled into the new school year.  Here's another drawing from the upcoming third volume, along with a riddle:

As you can see, this drawing is called, "A Cat and a Bat."  The drawing that completes this rhyme is, "or an alligator wearing a big red                 ."  Can you guess what the alligator is wearing?  Remember; it rhymes with 'bat.'  I'll give you the answer to this riddle here in my blog in a few days.  Good luck guessing!

Speaking of cats and bats on a dark starry night, I'm working on a Halloween storybook which I hope to publish in mid-October.  It's going to be a different kind of book for me because all of my books so far have been picture books.  The new book will be a storybook with just a few drawings.  I'm very excited about it, so I'm sure I'll be revealing more details here in my blog over the coming weeks.

Well, thanks for stopping by everyone!  And THANK YOU to everyone who helped make Count to Ten with Your New Friends a #1 Bestseller!

See you next time!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

"Count to Ten With Your New Friends" Now Available on Amazon!

My new children's book, Count to Ten With Your New Friends, is now available on amazon for only $2.99 U.S.  It's a rhyming picture book that uses colorful drawings, fantastic creatures and fun rhymes to introduce children to the numbers one through ten and challenges them to count the numbers out as they learn each new number.

Also, I posted a riddle from my upcoming book, the third in my "Things You Might See" series, a few days ago and promised that I would give you the answer here on my blog.  You might remember that the riddle began with a drawing called, "A witch with a wart on her nose," and that the drawing that completed the rhyme was, "or a goblin with a                      on his toes."  If you guessed 'snake,' you were right.  Here's the drawing:

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Can't See 'Em Museum, The Video!

Well, I've posted a video of a dramatic reading of my children's picture book, The Can't See 'Em Museum, to YouTube.

Also publishing a new book the middle of next week, so be sure to check in for more details in a few days.

Thanks for stopping by!  See you next time!

Friday, July 5, 2013

An Unfortunate Fib, A Riddle with Illustration & The Gift of Music

Okay, I know I promised to release the third installment in the Things You Might See books a few days ago and haven't yet done so.  I really believed that I was going to release the book then, but changed my mind when I started working on a video of one of my other books.  The video will be free on YouTube once I finish it and I want to add a link to the free video in my upcoming book before I publish it.

I'm sorry I told you something in my most recent blog posting that ended up being untrue.  To help make up for it, here's an illustration from the new book and a riddle.  The illustration is called, A Witch with a Wart on Her Nose:

Here's the riddle: the illustration that completes this rhyme is called, Or a Goblin with a _______ on His Toes.  Can you guess what the goblin has on his toes?  I'll give you the answer and show you the illustration here on my blog in a few days.  Good luck guessing!

Also, the video I'm working on includes a short snippet of my performance of a piece of piano music from Robert Schumann's Scenes of Childhood.  If you care to hear the whole 2-minute piece, just click  the PLAY button below:

If you like this piece enough that you want to add it to your MP3 player, just click on the DOWNLOAD button on the far right and the music is yours for free!  You won't be "stealing" the music because it's my performance.  Feel free to download it and share it with your friends if you want to.

Thanks for stopping by everyone!  See you next time!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Thank You J and New Book!

A very special THANK YOU to J, who gave my recent book, The Seriously Silly 1-2-3 Book, a great four-star review.  J said that the book is whimsical and that his or her grandchildren enjoyed it.  "With books of this nature, the true test is the grandchildren wanting to do it again!"  I agree!  J's review is doubly honorific to me as J holds a degree in mathematics and understands the value of children learning their numbers.  Thanks, again, J.  Your review meant more to me than you know.

By the way, The Seriously Silly 1-2-3 Book is available now through amazon for only $2.99.  While the upcoming school year seems a million miles away to your kids here in June, it's important to keep their minds sharp over the summer.  Why not keep them sharp with a whimsical book they'll enjoy and that's been endorsed by a mathematician?

In other news, I'm going to release my third book in the Things You Might See series later this week.  The first two sold thousands of copies each and both achieved #1 Bestseller status in the kindle store within days of their publications.  Here's the cover of the new book:

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Old News, New Book & The Better Angels of Our Nature

Well, The Seriously Silly 1-2-3 Book became an International Bestseller last week!  As a result, I'm working on another rhyming picture book for kids learning their numbers which will be released in mid-August.  Here's the cover:

I'll keep you posted here in my blog to let you know when it becomes available.  Thanks to all those who helped make The Seriously Silly 1-2-3 Book a smashing success!

Doing some work here for the Children's Charities of America; a coalition of one hundred of some of the finest charities to benefit children in need.  They work to raise awareness of children's issues and raise money to assist those in need.  If you are in a position to help, even just a little, please take a moment to check them and their associate charities out.  Even small donations are welcomed, needed and important.

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

"The Seriously Silly 1-2-3 Book" Just Published on Amazon!

My newest children's book, The Seriously Silly 1-2-3 Book: A Rhyming Picture Book for Kids Learning Their Numbers, has just been published on amazon.  It introduces kids to the numbers one through twenty and uses colorful drawings and funny rhymes to help them learn the numbers.

Here's the cover:

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Europe Loves The Can't See 'Em Museum and Thanks to Tony in Houston!

Well, I must say that it's rather exciting to be a #1 International Bestseller!  The Can't See 'Em Museum achieved #1 Bestseller status in both France and Germany over the weekend!

A special thanks to Tony in Houston for his most insightful review of my recent book, The Seriously Silly ABC Book.  Tony said that it's "a silly book with silly sentences and words," so he understood my intent perfectly!  After all, if you call a book "The Seriously Silly" Anything, you better deliver the goods, which, in this case, is silliness!  Thank you, Tony.  For an author, there is no greater honor than to learn that a reader has chosen to add his book to his or her library.

If you haven't bought your copy of The Can't See 'Em Museum yet, it's still available on amazon for only $2.99, as is The Seriously Silly ABC Book!

Here's another drawing from 'the museum:'

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Can't See 'Em Museum now FREE on Amazon for a Limited Time!

Amazon is offering a FREE promotion of my latest children's book, The Can't See 'Em Museum, for a limited time.  It's selling well in the U.S. (a #4 Best Seller so far) and it's become a #1 Best Seller in France and #2 in Germany!  Just click on the link in the previous sentence to get your FREE copy now!

In other news, the oddest thing happened to me this morning.  I was working on my next children's book when a swamphopper jumped right off the page and landed on my shoulder!  You can see that he (or she?) is still there in my photo on this page.  I was a little concerned at first, but I have to admit that I rather like having a swamphopper on my shoulder - someone to talk to when there's no one else around.

Here's a picture from The Can't See 'Em Museum:

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Can't See 'Em Museum Now on Amazon!

My latest children's book, The Can't See 'Em Museum: A Silly Rhyming Picture Book for Kids Who Like to Giggle, just became available on amazon for only $2.99!

It's about a museum that exhibits live creatures that are too small to see.

Here's one of the Illustrations:

I'm working hard on my next children's book, which is meant to help kids learn their numbers.  Can't give you the title yet, but I'll post some drawings soon.

Thanks for stopping by, everyone.  See you next time!

Monday, April 29, 2013

A Blast from the Past!

A special THANK YOU to J. Felix for her excellent four-star review of my first published children's book, Everybody Farts!  Ms. Felix said that she and her granddaughter were pleasantly surprised by the books content and that they found it very informative and funny.  She also said that the book is fun for younger readers.  Thank you for the outstanding review, Ms. Felix.  I can't tell you how pleased it makes me feel that you and your granddaughter enjoyed the book!

If you haven't read Everybody Farts yet, here's the illustration that follows the rhyme, "You can pass gas in bed and think you're a winner:"

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Another Outstanding Reader!

A heartfelt THANK YOU to Ania for her excellent five-star review of Bedtime Can Be Fun!  Ania said she really loves the book and her children ask her to read it to them almost every night.  She said she likes that the book requires children to use their imaginations and soothes them before they go to bed.  Ania recommends the book to any parents with active children who'd rather stay up at bedtime.

Thank you, Ania.  I can't tell you how much it pleases me to know that you and your children enjoy Bedtime Can Be Fun almost every night and your outstanding review means a lot to me!

In other news, I'm outlining a new book that will help children learn their numbers.  I haven't drawn any of the illustrations yet, so I can't show you any pictures.  I promise I will when the time comes.

Here's a riddle for you; the new book will be a companion to my recently-published book, The Seriously Silly ABC Book.  Can you guess what the title of my new numbers book might be?

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  And thanks again to Ania and her amazing children.

See you next time!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Thanks to Great Readers and a New Drawing

I want to extend a very special THANK YOU to Jo Ann Scott for a great four-star review of my book, Bedtime Can Be Fun!  Jo Ann said that kids love the rhyming, how the book puts their dreams in perspective and how it flows smoothly while reading.  She also said that it's a good slow-down book, which was exactly what I intended for this book.  Thank you, Jo Ann.  I'm delighted that you and your child enjoyed the book and the review means more to me than you know!

Bedtime Can Be Fun is available through amazon for only $2.99.  Just click the link in the previous sentence to learn more or to buy a copy.

I'm working on another rhyming picture book for children, but I can't give you the title or too many details because it's kind of top secret right now.

Here's one of the drawings from the upcoming book:

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Seriously Silly ABC Book #1 "Hot New Release" on amazon!

The Seriously Silly ABC Book is the #1 "Hot New Release" on amazon!  Thousands of parents, grandparents and children have enjoyed it together since it was published a few days ago.

Click on the above link to get your copy for only $2.99.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Seriously Silly ABC Book #1 on Amazon!

My latest illustrated children's book, The Seriously Silly ABC Book, just became the #1 Best Seller in its children's book category on amazon and is now available for FREE!  Just click on the link above to get your free copy now.

Here's one of the illustrations:

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Another New Book Now Available on Amazon!

My latest illustrated children's books, The Seriously Silly ABC Book: A Rhyming Picture Book for Kids Learning to Read is now available on amazon for only $2.99!

Here's the cover:

Just click on the link at the top of this post to learn more or buy your copy now!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Things You Might See FREE Again on Amazon!

Amazon is offering another FREE promotion of my first #1 Best Seller, Things You Might See: A Rhyming Picture Book for Kids Learning to Read, starting today.

Oh, and my latest #1 Best Seller, Bedtime Can Be Fun! is still the #1 "Hot New Release" on amazon.  Thousands of parents have enjoyed each of these books with their children and you will too!  Bedtime is only $2.99 in the kindle store.

Here's the cover of my current FREE book:

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thanks To My Wonderful Readers!

Well, amazon's special promotion for Bedtime Can Be Fun! ended overnight and it was a smashing success!  The book was my second biggest seller and we sold thousands of copies!  Thanks to everyone who bought one!

A very special THANK YOU to Nancy for her five-star customer review.  Nancy said that her 3 year old granddaughter loved the story and that she likes to read to her granddaughter when they're traveling.  I think that's an excellent time to read to young children.  Helps pass the time while making traveling fun.  Thanks again, Nancy, for your kind words!

A very special THANK YOU to Debra Echoff for her five-star review as well!  Debra said that she thought the book was cute and she can't wait to read it to her grandkids.  Thank you, Debra.  I hope your grandkids enjoy the book as much as you did!

A very special THANK YOU to KinKem for writing a really nice four-star review.  KinKem said that the book was a nice read for kids who enjoy reading with a smile before bedtime.  As an author, I can't tell you how satisfying it is to know that I've helped, at least in some small way, to brighten a child's day and helped strengthened the bond between parents and children.  Thanks, KinKem, you made my day!

Thanks, too, to Nonya and Crystal.  I'm delighted that you both chose to add my book to your libraries. For an author, there is no greater honor.  Thank you!

Now, you may remember that a couple of days ago I showed you an illustration from my first #1 Best Seller, Things You Might See, which amazon is offering for FREE starting this Saturday.
That picture was called, "A button on your belly."  I also gave you a riddle, which was that the picture paired with "A button on your belly" was called, "A _____ that's very smelly" and asked you to guess what word filled in the blank.

If you guessed "skunk," you were correct and should be proud of yourself for guessing the right answer!

Here's the drawing:

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Another Free Promotion from Amazon!

Amazon will be offering my first #1 Best Seller, Things You Might See: A Rhyming Picture Book for Kids Learning to Read, for FREE starting this Saturday, March 23rd.  It's an interactive book that challenges children to guess the last word in a rhyme.  Kids who read the book encounter some visual learning as their parents point out the rhyming word, which appears in large solid caps beneath the drawings.

Here's one of the illustrations from the book:

Here's a riddle for you:

The picture above is paired with another picture, which is called "A ________ that's very smelly."  Can you guess what the missing word is?  It's something that's very smelly.  I'll give you the answer in a few days, so keep in touch!

Bedtime Can Be Fun! continues to sell well in the kindle store; still the #1 Best Seller in its children's book category as of a few minutes ago.  It should still be FREE through tomorrow, so help yourself to your free copy if you'd like one!

A very special THANK YOU to fairres49er for his excellent four-star review of  Bedtime Can Be Fun! on amazon.  Fairres49er said that his grandkids' parents found the book fun and helpful at bedtime.  I'm happy that the book helped and truly grateful for the great review.  Thank you again, fairres49er!  The review means a lot to me.

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!  See you next time.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Thank You Michael!

A very special THANK YOU to Michael and his son for their "Great" four-star review of Bedtime Can Be Fun!  Michael's son sounds as if he's a sharp youngster because he read the book by himself and he's only five!  Good job, young man!  I'm happy that you enjoyed the book and your father's review means more to me than you know.

Bedtime is selling well (still #1 in the kindle store as of a few minutes ago) and should be available for FREE on amazon through Wednesday.  If you haven't obtained your copy yet, there's still time.  The price is right and remember; Michael and his son thought it was great!

Thanks for stopping by, everyone --- and thanks again, Michael.

See you next time!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Bedtime Can Be Fun #1 on Amazon!

Bedtime Can Be Fun! just became the #1 Best Seller in its children's book category on the kindle store. It's still FREE for a few days, so if you want it, go get it!

Here's another illustration from the book:

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Bedtime Can Be Fun Now on Amazon!

My newest book, Bedtime Can Be Fun! is now available for FREE on amazon!  It encourages children to be enthusiastic about bedtime by challenging them to imagine the exciting adventures they can have when they dream.

Here's one of the illustrations:

If you haven't gotten your FREE copy yet, just CLICK HERE to get yours.

If you have gotten your copy, why not share your thoughts with the entire world by Writing a Customer Review?  It's free, easy and fun to do; and I'll thank you here in my blog if you do!

Thanks for stopping by.  See you next time!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Thank You Beautiful!

A very special THANK YOU to "Beautiful" for writing a fantastic four-star review for Bath Time Can Be Fun on amazon!  I'm very happy that you enjoyed the book and that you wrote such a nice review!

If you'd like to read Beautiful's beautiful review, or write your own review or get a copy of Bath Time Can Be Fun, just CLICK HERE.

Thanks again, Beautiful!  You made my day!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Bath Time Can Be Fun #1 Best Seller on Amazon!

Bath Time Can Be Fun just became my third #1 Best Seller since mid-December!  It should still be FREE on amazon through tomorrow.

If you haven't seen it yet, here's one of the illustrations: